This document contains some hints about moving from API1 to the new API.
API1 documentation (in Polish) can be found at (for clients) and (for partners).
Most objects in the old API had different identifier names.
For example,
services were identified by sid
s and groups by gid
In API2,
objects are identified by their id
When there is a need to specify a identifier to an object of a different type (for example,
specifying a group when creating a service),
a long name such as group_id
or service_id
is used.
Several API1 modules included "Get" and "List" methods. Their equivalents in API2 are called "Read" and "Find".
Methods "ListBy*ids" (such as Service::ListBySids) are not supported. However, you can use the Find's features to get simple filtering or pagination of the results.
Sensors have been renamed to locations in API2.
Service checks (in Client::HAR) are now called iterations and have a slightly different identifier format.
To authenticate to API2, you supply a login and password. If you have a regular account, you can simply use the same login and password that you use for authentication to the Administration Panel.
If you used the old Client API, you authenticated using a UID and API password. You can use your UID as the login and old API password as password to authenticate to API2. Keep in mind that this method will be removed in the future, you should use your login and password.
Most methods in the old Partner API required an UUID and password (called "hash"). You can use these to login to the user's old account with new API (UUID becomes login, hash - password). Some Partner API methods (such as Partner::User::Create) required partner authentication with "vendor_id" and "vendor_hash". To authenticate as a partner, you will need a new Distributor account. Please contact the support if you would like to have the old users assigned to the new account.
To create a new account (previously Partner::User::Create),
use the Account::Create method (you need to be a distributor) and then activate the account with Account::Activate.
Instead of supplying a hash
and uuid
you set the new user's login (it may still be an UUID if you like) and password.
Used created by API2 cannot be accessed by the API1 methods.
To delete an user, use the Account::Delete method. Only distributors/partners can do this.
Creating a service used to be done with one of the methods: CreateHttp, CreateHttps, CreatePing or CreateSmtp. In API2, you create a service with the Service::Create method. The API2 method arguments include:
The old endpoint
The service name.
In the old API it was set to the endpoint
The type of the service. API1 had one method for each supported type. To list the available types and their IDs in API2, use ServiceType::Find method. The old API service types' IDs: Http - 1, Https - 5, Ping - 7, Smtp - 2.
This is the same as in API1.
The gid
from the old Client API.
You don't have to specify it (the default group ID will be used,
which was the default behavior in the old Partner API,
where each user had only one group).
Similarly, there is only one method for updating a service, Service::Update.
API1 had separate methods to pause and unpause a service's monitoring (Enable and Disable).
In API2,
you should use the Service::Update method to set the service's pause
attribute to either 1
or 0
The API2 Stats module contains most of the statistics methods ported from the old API.
Client::Notification and Partner::Notification are now handled by the NotificationAddress module.
For Client::Report and Partner::Report's equivalent - see ReportAddress.
The equivalents of the old Client::HAR module's methods can be found in the Stats module. You can get a list of HAR files for a service (from time period not longer than one hour) with the Stats::HARList method, and fetch individual HAR files with the Stats::HARContent method.
In general it is not recommended to use API1 methods after you have modified anything with API2 methods. Known limitations include deleting an account with the old API's Partner::User::Delete method, the account may not get deleted after it's been modified with API2.