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Monit24.pl API - version 2.0.x README

Welcome to the Monit24.pl API!

This document contains basic information about calling the API methods. It is meant to provide a relatively painless introduction to the API.

Calling the API methods

API methods can be called in two ways:

Both ways provide the same functionality; the only difference is the message serialization format. The first way (POSTing JSONs) is recommended and most examples will use it. WSDL files for the SOAP webservices are available at https://api.cloudmonit.pl/2.0.0/wsdl/.

An example

A very simple request to the API:


POSTing this to https://api.cloudmonit.pl/2.0.0/json_api will return a list of available monitoring stations (locations).

Keep in mind that the Content-Type header of JSON API requests has to be set to application/json.

Doing this with curl:

        curl -X POST -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"module":"Location","method":"Find"}' https://api.cloudmonit.pl/2.0.0/json_api

Request format

The only mandatory elements of the request are module and method. These specify the method to call. A list of API modules is available here.

Other arguments that may be specified include:

Response format

API responds to each call with a JSON object containing the fields:

Next steps

If you are a Monit24.pl partner, you can read an introduction for partners at README_Distributors.

If you are a Monit24.pl user, move on to README_Users (partners should read it too).
